Why Electrify?

The best way to run your home - for your wallet and for the climate - is to have all electric appliances and cars powered by clean electricity. It's less than half the running costs of a fossil fuel home and it's how we'll have the biggest impact on climate this decade.


These are Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, the majority of them come from energy use - machines that burn fossil fuels, these machines are everything from power plants to cars and gas water heaters.


Australian emissions can be split into two major categories. Export emissions and Domestic emissions.

Export emissions are the emissions created for the products we send overseas to be used by other countries. Domestic emissions are the result of our daily lives in Australia. They are our direct responsibility and under our control.


The largest portion of domestic emissions are our households, followed by our businesses. They both use similar machines.


Almost all of these emissions come from energy, the machines in our daily lives. Petrol cars, gas heaters, gas water heaters, gas stoves, and the fossil fuel power plants supplying most of Australia's grid network electricity.


The solution to these emissions is switching our fossil fuel machines to efficient electric versions and powering them with clean electricity, including lots of rooftop solar.


Luckily in Australia we have access to the cheapest home energy in the world - our rooftop solar. We are the sunburnt country after all.

Over its lifetime rooftop solar costs about 5 cents per kWh financed, cheaper than any other source of delivered home energy.


Australian rooftop solar is so cheap that even a magic power plant providing free energy wouldn’t beat it.

The cost of sending that energy over powerlines alone is more than the cost of the energy that comes from your roof.

The best option is to power as much of your home off solar as you can. You'll still want to remain connected to the grid, but maximising local solar can lead to a lower cost energy system.


Another benefit of electric machines is that they are far more efficient than their fossil fuel counterparts. This comes down to thermodynamics, electric machines have less energy waste.


With this combination of saving on energy costs with solar and more efficient energy use with electric machines, it turns out we can have the same comfort at a fraction of the running costs and no energy emissions.


This results in a fantastic opportunity for Australia, to lead the world on climate action while saving money for families and putting more jobs into our communities. It's a win-win-win.

Read our research