Community groups are the trusted, independent and local voices required to help households and communities understand the benefits of electrification and support them to electrify faster and more effectively. Rewiring Australia aims to showcase, support and further the impact of this work, while building their collective power to call for the systemic changes required to electrify everything for everyone.
We created the Electric Communities Network, a supported space for community groups to collaborate and amplify their local campaigns. We offer workshops, resources, connections and, at times, small grant programs. Join us!
Community voices are getting louder and the impact is being felt. There is a short-term opportunity to elevate our collective voice over the next few months so we're launching a quick grants program. 8 groups will be supported to work with Rewiring Australia to help elevate the Electrify Everything message within their communities in the brief period leading up to the federal election, and to contribute to strengthening the Electric Communities Network beyond the election.
Support Provided by Rewiring Australia
> $2,000 grant to be spent on any of your community electrification work in 2025.
> Advocacy resources & new state-based data by Rewiring Australia's research team.
> Electrify Everything for Everyone collateral eg. stickers, lawn signs, t-shirts etc.
> One-to-one support and tailored advice.
> Leading role in shaping the Electric Communities Network for 2025.
Your Groups' Commitment
Now - Election (before mid May)
> Group representative/s to meet their federal MP and at least 1 other federal candidate (resources and support provided).
> Distribute Electrify Everything for Everyone resources eg. stickers and lawn signs within community (provided).
After the Election - end of 2025
> At least once a month, actively participate in the Electric Communities Network to help strengthen it (eg. attend online workshops, offer advice/feedback to other groups, update/collate resources, collect case studies etc)
How are groups selected?
We need a diversity of groups including location, demographics and electorate/seat status. But most importantly is a willingness to participate and strengthen our collective work!
Applications close midnight Sunday 9 February 2025 - get in quick!
Rewiring Australia has connected with a range of wonderful community groups running various electrification activities in their neighbourhoods.
Zoom in on the map to find one and click on the group for contact details. If you know of a group not listed, or you're keen to start one, get in touch with us (see below).
Community groups are always on the lookout for volunteers and community members to get involved. So reach out directly to them and build this grassroots power - together we can build a national electrification movement!
When a household electrifies, they open up a range of financial, health and environmental benefits. When a community electrifies, that impact can be exponential: lower emissions, cleaner air, a supported local economy and more collective power.
Rewiring Australia wants to harness the strength of community-led action and connect new or existing community groups across Australia to run effective electrification campaigns in their community. By working together, we can share ideas, resources and energy to increase each community’s capacity and impact.
70% of Australia's domestic emissions occur at the household and business level. To meet our emissions targets we need to rapidly replace the fossil fuel machines that sit in homes, driveways and businesses with efficient, electric versions powered by renewable energy.
These decisions take place around kitchen tables and meeting rooms and can be positively influenced and supported by trusted sources within the community. This highlights the critical role communities can play in decarbonising Australia’s economy.
How much could your community be saving?
Rewiring Australia is connecting with local groups to ensure we can all benefit from sharing, collaborating and connecting. Some of the ways we're working with communities include:
Electric community campaigns can take many different forms. Just some of the activities groups are doing, include:
If you are part of a community-led campaign or would like to start one, we'd love to hear from you!