Placing household finance at the centre of energy policy

March 16, 2024

Past governments created universal health care through Medicare and universal tertiary education through HECS. Now it’s time our federal government offers universal access to cheap, rooftop solar and efficient, electric appliances. With your continued support, we will help them develop the plans and muster the ambition to do it.

Our message is simple: If we electrify everything, we can slash energy bills while eliminating energy emissions. Now, we have the plan that will help Australian households afford the switch.

Wherever we go, people tell us they want to go solar, buy an EV and replace their expensive, polluting gas appliances with efficient, electric alternatives, but the upfront costs are holding them back. We believe no Australian households should be left behind; lower income and financially stressed households  have the right to access these technologies to ensure their houses are cheaper to run and safer to live in. Not to mention that if Australian houses and cars were electrified and powered by renewable energy, we would eliminate 25% of our nation’s carbon emissions. 

Today, we announced an ambitious and exciting scheme that will put more Australians on the path to electrifying everything. The Electrify Everything Loan Scheme (EELS) provides the financial architecture  for the federal government to  offer flexible, low-cost loans to all Australian residences to install solar panels, batteries, efficient electric appliances, and an EV, which could save households up to $5000 annually on energy and petrol bills.

Past governments created universal health care through Medicare and universal tertiary education through HECS. Now it’s time our federal government offers universal access to cheap, rooftop solar and efficient, electric appliances. With your continued support, we will  help them develop the plans and muster the ambition to do it.

We’re calling on the federal government to help Australian households have access to finance - no matter their income - to create their solar electric home and by doing so, saving Australian households between $1000 - $3000 every year on energy bills and up to $5000 if they electrify their car.

Write to your MP and urge for them to put households first.